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Level 2 PDF

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1. Review of Level 1

In this first lesson, you will recall certain dialogues that you learned in Level 1. You will be able to put into practice the main greeting and introduction phrases as well as some useful words for asking questions.

1.1. Dialogue - Introducing Oneself

How are you?

Question:  Qey ! Tan kahk olu kil ? / Hi! How are you?
Answer:     Qey ! Mec-ote pesqon. Kil-olu tan ? / Hi! I am good. And you?

How do you feel?

Question:  Qey ! Tan ktolomolsin pemkiskahk ? / Hi! How are you feeling today?
Answer:     Qey ! Nulomols pemkiskahk. / Hi! I feel good today.

Who are you? Who am I?

Question:  Ntoliwis nil Piyel. Keq kil ktoliwis ? / My name is Peter. What is your name?
Answer:     Ntoliwis nil Atwin. / My name is Anthony.

Where do you come from? Where do you live?

Question:  Tama kil ‘kuceyaw ? / Where do you come from?
Answer:     Nuceyaw nil Rimouski. / I come from Rimouski.

Question:  Tama kil kwik ? / Where do you live?
Answer:     Nwik nil Kepek. / I live in Quebec.

1.2. Basic question words

Question terminology

Tama ? Where? Tama iyu Piyel ? / Where is Peter?
Wen ? Who? Wen wot ? / Who is this?
Keq ? What? Keq liwisu ? / What is his/her name?
Tan ? How? Tan ktolomolsin ? / How do you feel?

Using nil (n) and kil (k)

Kotuhp ? / Are you hungry? Nkotuhp. / I am hungry.
Ktoliwis Atwin ? / Your name is Anthony? Ntoliwis Antoine. / My name is Anthony.
‘Kikuwoss wiku Rimouski ? / Your mother lives in Rimouski? Nikuwoss wiku Rimouski. / My mother lives in Rimouski.

Good and bad : moci/moco

Vocabulary English Animate (A) or inanimate (I)
Wolihpukot / Mocihpukot Tastes good / Tastes bad (I)
Wolihpuksu / Mocihpuksu Tastes good / Tastes bad (A)
Wolokiskot / Mocokiskot It’s nice weather / It’s bad weather (I)

Wolihpukot (I) / Wolihpuksu (A)
Tastes good

Mocihpukot (I) / Mocihpuksu (A)
Tastes bad

Wolokiskot (I)
It’s nice weather

It’s bad weather

2. Exercices


2.1. Qey ! Ntoliwis Piyel. / Hello ! My name is Peter

Translate Peter’s letter into Wolastoqey.


2.2. Questions and Answers

Translate the following questions and answer them based on the images.

Where’s Caroline?

What’s the weather like?

What is the food?

Are you hungry?

How are you feeling?

Are you happy?

What’s the weather like today?

Is it a hot day or is it cold?


2.3. « Wen wot ? » kosona « Keq yut ? » / « Who is this? » or « What is this? »

Write the appropriate question for each of the given answers.

1. Question:
Answer: Ehem.
2. Question:
Answer: Monoqan.
3. Question:
Answer: Wikhikonikuwam.
4. Question:
Answer: Nikuwoss.
5. Question:
Answer: Cikon.

2.4. « Tama ote… ? », « Tama iyu… ? » kosona « Tama opu… ? » / « Where is…? »

Choose the appropriate term depending on whether the object is animate or inanimate.


2.5. « Wolihpukot » kosona « wolihpuksu » ? / It tastes good!

Choose the appropriate term depending on whether the object is animate or inanimate.

1. Ti
2. Pocetes
3. Opan
4. Wisawaqsit

2.6. « Mocihpukot » kosona « mocihpuksu » ? / It tastes bad!

Choose the appropriate term depending on whether the object is animate or inanimate.

1. Cikon
2. Kahpe
3. Opan
4. Masqosit
5. Pocetes

2.7. Word Search

Find the Wolastoqey words that correspond to each of the elements on the list.
How it works: Click on the first letter of the word, then on the last to validate a word.
Words can overlap and go in these directions: → ↘ ↓.

2.8. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the grid with the Wolastoqey equivalents to the clues in English.



      Additional information for exercises solutions may appear in the Appendix of the PDF document.
