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Home / Lessons / Level 1 / 10. Summary Keys Concepts

1. Summary Keys Concepts

Before a noun or a verb, the particles «nil» or «kil» transform into simple «n» and «k» to indicate the first or second person respectively.
Nil (Me, I) Kil (You)
Nil-ona (Me too) Ntoliwis (mon nom)
Kil-ona (You too) Ktoliwis (Your name)
Aha Yes
Ontama No
In the wolastoqey language, the word "and" is said "naka".
Naka And
Kosona Or
Tan kal I don’t know
Nit-te psiw That’s all
-uk -ok -ek
Location indicating suffixes
Particle indicating that an action is in progress
Ntoli Ktoli
I am going, I am in the process of going You are going, you are in the process of going
Nti Kti
I am (in a place) You are (in a place)
Inanimate (I) Nit nit keq nit nit It is what it is
Keq yut? What’s that?
Animate (A) Not not wen not not He is who he is
Wen wot? Who is this?
Not Wot
Animate pronoun meaning «this one» Animate pronoun meaning «that one»
Inanimate pronoun
Animate (person or animal) iyu Verb meaning "to be somewhere"
(object) opu Verb meaning "to be somewhere"
Inanimate ote Verb meaning "to be somewhere"
Plural animate Plural inanimate
-ok -iyik -icik -ol -uwol -iyil

2. Questions Summary

About your identity Kil Wolastoqew ?
Are you from the Wolastoqey nation?
Aha, Nil Wolastoqew !
Yes, I am from the Wolastoqey nation!
How are you? Qey ! Tan kahk olu kil ?
Hello! How are you?
Qey ! Mec-ote pesqon !
Hello! I’m fine!
What’s your name? Keq kil ktoliwis ?
What’s your name?
Ntoliwis nil Ahtuwen. Kil-olu tan ?
My name is Anthony. And you?
Where are your from? Tama kil ‘kuceyaw ?
Where are you from? (origin)
Nuceyaw nil Kepek.
I am from Québec.
Where do you live? Tama kil kwik ?
Where do you live?
Nwik nil Rimouski.
I live in Rimouski.
What’s the weather like today? Tan olokiskot pemkiskahk ?
What’s the weather like today?
Wolokiskot yut pemkiskahk.
It’s nice here today.
Mocokiskot yut pemkiskahk.
It’s not nice here today.
How are you feeling? Tan ktolomolsin ?
How are you feeling?
Nkosinuhk pemkiskahk.
I am sick today.
Are you happy? Kulitahas ?
Are you happy?
Aha. Nulitahas !
Yes, I am happy.
Where are you going? Tama ktoli ?
Where are you going?
Ntoli malsanikuwamok.
I am going to the store.
Where are you? Tama kti ?
Where are you?
Nti wikuwamsisok.
I’m in the bathroom.
Where is …? (Animate person)
Tama iyu Piyel ?
Where is Peter?
(Peter, animate, person = iyu)
Piyel iyu milawiw.
Peter is down the street.
(Animate object)
Tama opu emqan ?
Where is the spoon?
(spoon, animate, object)
Emqan opu opomew wikuwamok.
The spoon is next to the house.
Tama ote pocetes ?
Where is the potato?
(Potato, inanimate = ote)
Pocetes ote neqiw tuwihputik.
The potato is underneath the table.
Who is this? Wen wot ?
Who is this?
Nuhkom Teles. / My aunt Alice.
Nitapesq Mali. / My friend Mary.
Nuskinuhsisom Polansuwe. / My boyfriend Francis.
Questioning appetite Kotuhp ?
Are you hungry?
Aha, nkotuhp.
Yes, I’m hungry.
Ontama, ma-te nkotuhpiw.
No, I’m not hungry.
Does it taste good? (Animate)
Wolihpuksu ?
Does it taste good?
Aha, sumin wolihpuksu.
Yes, the grape tastes good.
Ontama, sumin mocihpuksu.
No, the grape tastes bad.
Wolihpukot ?
Does it taste good?
Aha, pocetes wolihpukot.
Yes, the potato tastes good.
Ontama, pocetes mocihpukot.
No, the potato tastes bad.