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13 moons in movement illuminating us and guiding our steps ... the cycles of the seasons ... turtle, master and guardian of time ... and the green around it carrying a message of hope about the urgency of taking care of Mother Earth.

Home / Module 3 / Regarding the passing of time

‘Ciw aciyak etuciyewik
Regarding the passing of time

Cihkonaqc naka tan elokimut

The turtle and the calendar

‘Ktolonapemonuk mecimiw ‘t-uwehkahawal kisuhsol naka nipawselit ‘ci aciyak.

Our people used to measure time using the sun and moon.

Mec-ote pemkiskahk, kisuhsok liwiyak ewehkasik kisuhsuwey tan elokimut.

Still today, the names of our months are associated to the lunar calendar.

Kenuk, cuwi wewitahatomonen eli-wiywahtit ‘sanku nipawselit naka tehpu nisanku kisuhsok.

However, it should be noted that there are 13 moons in a year and only 12 calendar months.

Eliwiyut tehpu amuwi naka kat tahalu tan elokimucik kisuhsok.

The names are therefore estimates and don’t exactly correspond to the calendar months.

Ktolonapemonun cihkonaqc not tahalu kisuhsuwey tan elokimut ipocol mecimi-te ‘t-ihinol ‘sanku wolahqol wolokaskul.

Our ally the turtle is a symbol of the lunar calendar because it always has 13 scales on its shell.

Nit weci wot weyossis onsa Wikuwossit Skitkomiq naka Uhkomossuwi Kisuhs.

That’s why this animal represents both Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon.

‘Ciw aciyak etuciyewik À propos du temps qui passe Regarding the passing of time Tout Jouer/Play All
Pemkiskahk Aujourd’hui Today
Sepawonuk Demain Tomorrow
Wolaku Hier Yesterday
Wolaqiw Soir Evening
Nipayiw Nuit Night
Kotokilaku Avant-hier The day before yesterday
Yut luhkan Cette semaine This week
Kotoki luhkan La semaine dernière Last week
Apc luhkan La semaine prochaine Next week
Yut kisuhs Ce mois-ci This month
Cossolewi kisuhs Le mois dernier Last month
Apc kotok kisuhs Le mois prochain Next month
Pemoluhkemkil Jours de la semaine Days of the week Tout Jouer/Play All
Sonte Dimanche Sunday
Kissonte Lundi Monday
Nis luhkan Mardi Tuesday
Nihi luhkan Mercredi Wednesday
New luhkan Jeudi Thursday
Skehewahtoq Vendredi Friday
Kotuwahsonte Samedi Saturday
Minuwokehkims wici papehcikesuwakonol naka asitewtomuwakonol. Entraîne-toi avec des questions et des réponses. Practice with questions and answers. Tout Jouer/Play All
Keq pemkiskahk? Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd’hui? What day is it?
Pemkiskahk nisluhkan. Aujourd’hui, c’est mardi. Today is Tuesday.
Keq wolaku? Nous étions quel jour hier? Quel jour était hier?
Wolaku kissonte. Hier, c’était lundi. Yesterday was Monday.
Tayuwek kpeci? Quand rentres-tu à la maison? When will you come home? Tout Jouer/Play All
Npeci-oc sepawonuk kisi-pasqek. Je reviens à la maison demain après-midi. I will come home tomorrow afternoon.
Npeci oc apc neqt luhkan. Je reviens à la maison la semaine prochaine. I will come home next week.
Npeci-oc sqehewahtqik. Je reviens à la maison vendredi. I will come home on Friday.
Tayuwek kmacaha? Quand pars-tu? When are you leaving? Tout Jouer/Play All
Nmacaha miyahs. Je pars tôt. I will leave early.
Nmacaha nokosayiw. Je pars bientôt. I will leave soon.
Nmacaha oc neqt lukhan. Je pars la semaine prochaine. I leave next week.
Nmacaha pemolaqik. Je pars ce soir. I will leave tonight.
Keq pessaqhek musikisqok Ce qui brille dans le ciel What shines in the sky Tout Jouer/Play All
Kisuhs Soleil Sun
Nipawset Lune Moon
Possesom(ok) Étoile(s) Star(s)
Kisuhsuwiw pemkiskahk. Il fait soleil aujourd’hui. It is sunny today.
Ckuwye yut oloqiw kisuhs. Le soleil vient par ici. The sun shines this way.
Nomiya nmitahqsuwi kisuhs sepay. Je vois notre père le soleil ce matin. I see our father the sun this morning.
Minuwokehkims wici papehcikesuwakonol naka asitewtomuwakonol. Entraîne-toi avec des questions et des réponses. Practice with questions and answers. Tout Jouer/Play All
Knomiya kisuhs? Vois-tu le soleil? Do you see the sun?
Aha. Nomiya kisuhs. Kisuhsuwiw yut sepay. Oui. Je vois le soleil. C’est ensoleillé ici aujourd’hui. Yes. I see the sun. It is sunny here this morning.
Knomiya nipawset? Vois-tu la lune? Do you see the moon?
Aha. Nomiya nipawset. Oui. Je vois la lune. Yes. I see the moon.
Nomiya nuhkomossuwi nipawset pemolaqik. Je vois grand-mère la lune ce soir. I see Grandmother Moon tonight.
Knomiyak possesomok? Vois-tu les étoiles? Do you see the stars?
Nomiyak nmossisuwi possesomok pemolaqik. Je vois nos sœurs les étoiles cette nuit. I see our sisters the stars tonight.
‘Ci elkiskahk -Weather related Par rapport à la température With respect to weather Tout Jouer/Play All
Aluhk(ol) Nuage(s) Cloud(s)
Aluhkot. C’est nuageux. It is cloudy.
Aluhkot yut pemkiskahk. C’est nuageux ici aujourd’hui. It’s cloudy here today.
Komiwon. Il pleut. It’s raining.
Wocawson Le vent The wind
Mace… Il commence à… It’s starting to …
Ehqi... / Mehci…Ehqi... / Mehci… Il vient d’arrêter de… It stopped …
Komiwon yut pemkiskahk. Il pleut ici aujourd’hui. It’s raining here today.
Koti-komiwon. Il va bientôt pleuvoir. It’s going to rain.
Petakiyik Tonnerre Thunder
Psaninaqot. On dirait qu’il va neiger. It looks as if it’s going to snow.
Psan Il neige. It’s snowing.
Wast Neige au sol Fallen snow
Ktanaqsu yut wast. Il y a beaucoup de neige au sol. There is a lot of snow on the ground.
Wocawson Le vent The wind
Tolamsom (wocawson). Il vente. It’s windy.
Wisokolamson pemkiskahk. Il vente beaucoup aujourd’hui. It’s really windy today.
Macelamson tokec. Il commence à venter maintenant. The wind is starting to blow now.
Monoqan Arc-en-ciel Rainbow
Monoqan wolinaqot L’arc-en-ciel est beau. The rainbow is beautiful.
Minuwokehkims wici papehcikesuwakonol naka asitewtomuwakonol. Entraîne-toi avec des questions et des réponses. Practice with questions and answers. Tout Jouer/Play All
Komiwon tokec? Est-ce qu’il pleut maintenant? Is it raining now?
Ontama. Mehtolan. Non. Il a arrêté de pleuvoir. No. It stopped raining.
Aha. Macelan. Oui. Il a commencé à pleuvoir. Yes, it started to rain.
Ontama. Ma-te komiwonu. Non. Il ne pleut pas. No. It’s not raining.
Knutuwak petakiyik? Entends-tu le tonnerre? Do you hear the thunder?
Aha. Nutuwak petakiyik. Oui. J’entends le tonnerre. Yes. I hear the thunder.
Aha. Mace petakiw. Oui. Il commence à tonner. Yes. It is starting to thunder.
Ontama. Ma-te nutuwawiyik petakiyik. Non. Je n’entends pas le tonnerre. No. I don’t hear the thunder.
Tout Jouer/Play All
Petakiw tokec? Est-ce qu’il tonne? Is it thundering?
Aha. Mace petakiw. Oui. Il a commencé à tonner. Yes. It started to thunder. It is starting to thunder.
Ontama. Ma-te petakiw. Non. Il ne tonne pas. No. It isn’t thundering.
Toli psan tokec? Est-ce qu’il neige maintenant? Is it snowing now?
Ontama. Ma-te toli psanu. Non. Il ne neige pas. No. It is not snowing.
Aha. Mace psan. Oui. Il commence à neiger. Yes. It is starting to snow.
Ontama. Mehci psan. Non. Il a arrêté de neiger. No. It stopped snowing.
Knomihtun monoqan? Vois-tu l’arc-en-ciel? Do you see the rainbow?
Aha. Nomihtun monoqan. Komiwon naka tettpi-te kisuhsuwiw. Oui. Je vois l’arc-en-ciel. Il pleut et il fait soleil en même temps. Yes. I see the rainbow. It’s raining and sunny at the same time.
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Wolastoqey English
Apolahsomuwehsuwi-kisuhs January Moon of the whirling wind.
Moon of the whirling wind.
Piyatqonisuwi kisuhs February When the spruce tips fall.
When the spruce tips fall.
Siqoni kisuhs March Spring moon.
Spring moon.
Ponatomuwi kisuhs April Egg-laying moon.
Egg-laying moon.
Siqonomeqi kisuhs May Alewife moon.
Alewife moon.
Niponi kisuhs June Summer moon.
Summer moon.
Apsqewi kisuhs July Feather shedding moon.
Feather shedding moon.
Accihtewsiket kisuhs August Moon of changing colours.
Moon of changing colours.
Toqaquwi kisuhs September Fall moon.
Fall moon.
Amilkewi kisuhs October Harvest moon.
Harvest moon.
Wihkewi kisuhs November Fatty moon (referring to animals stocking up on fat).
Fatty moon (referring to animals stocking up on fat).
Kci-kisuhs December Great moon.
Great moon.