Logo Première Nation Wolastoqiyk Wahsipekuk

Raven is one of the only birds in North America to be able to practise the art of conversation. His strength? His liveliness which pushes him to practise again and again until he manages to master a word, then two, then three ... Raven also has the magic power of being able to plunge into the darkness of the past to bring back the light. In particular, bring back the light of traditional languages ​​so that they are not forgotten in the past.

Home / Module 10 / Speak your Indigenous language

Speak your Indigenous language

Psi-te ntolonapemok

All of my relations

Wolastoqey eleyimok nihtol wisokelkil elitahatasik neqtakutomuweyal kisapektekil (elakutultimok) wiciw,

Wolastoqey culture refers to a broad concept of kinship which includes, in addition to the human family,

ankuwiw pomawsuwinuwey neqtakutomucik, toleyak ‘qotkomiksuwok, piluweyak qihiw skicinuwok naka ‘cel peciw weyossisok,

clan members, other neighbouring nations and even animals, plants and elements of the territory

kihkasikil naka psi keq piluwey ktahkomiqok elitahamut neqtakutomucik naka cuwi kcitomitahatasu.

which are considered members of our family and deserve all of our respect.

Qui sommes-nous? Who are we?
Eli skicinuwi naka wolastoqewi Je suis autochtone et wolastoqey (malécite). I am Indigenous and Wolastoqey (Maliseet).
Quelques mots-clés A few keywords Tout Jouer/Play All
Wolastoq La belle et généreuse rivière. Beautiful and bountiful river.
Wolastoqiyik Le peuple de la belle et généreuse rivière. People of the beautiful and bountiful river.
Wolastokuk Notre territoire ancestral. Our homeland.
Waponahkiyik Gens de la confédération Wabanaki. People of the Wabanaki confederacy.
Aha Oui Yes
Ontama Non No
Se présenter How to introduce yourself Tout Jouer/Play All
Keq kil ktoliwis? Quel est ton nom? What is your name?
Ntoliwis nil … Mon nom est … My name is …
Tama kil 'kuceyaw? D’où viens-tu? Where are you from?
Nuceyaw nil … Je viens de … I come from …
Prendre contact Making contact Tout Jouer/Play All
Tan kahk olu kil? Comment vas-tu? How are you?
Mec-ote pesqon. Je vais bien. I’m fine.
Kil olu tan? Et toi? What about you?
Toutes mes relations – Famille humaine All of my relations – Human family Tout Jouer/Play All
Nikuwoss Ma mère My mother
Nmihtaqs Mon père My father
Nuhkumoss Ma grand-mère My grandmother
Nmuhsums Mon grand-père My grandfather
Nhesis Mon grand frère My older brother
Nmossis Ma grande sœur My older sister
Nuhsimis (ok) Frère(s) ou sœur(s) plus jeune(s) Younger sibling(s)
Nitap Ami masculin Male friend
Nitapesq Amie féminine Female friend
Toutes mes relations – Animaux All of my relations – Animals Tout Jouer/Play All
Ntemis Mon chien My dog
Nposum Mon chat My cat
Otuhk Cerf Deer
Malsom Loup Wolf
Pili-malsom Coyote Coyote
Kci-kakak Corbeau Raven
Kahkakuhs Corneille Crow
Cihpolakon Aigle Eagle
Cihkonaqc Tortue Turtle
Kiwhos Rat musqué Muskrat
Muwin Ours Bear
Polam Saumon Salmon
Toutes mes relations – Arbres et végétaux All of my relations – Trees and plants Tout Jouer/Play All
Kakskusimus Cèdre Cedar
Kuwes Pin Pine
Welimahaskil Foin d’odeur Sweetgass
Masqemus Bouleau Birch
Akomahq / Wikp Frêne blanc / Frêne noir White ash / Black ash
Kiwhosuwasq Acore odorant (racine du rat musqué) Acorus calamus (muskrat root)
Pskihqimins Fraise Strawberry
Minsoss Framboise Raspberry
Saht Bleuet Blueberry
Toutes mes relations – Environnement naturel All of my relations – Natural environment Tout Jouer/Play All
Supeq Océan Ocean
Sip Rivière River
Kuspem Lac Lake
Woc Montagne Mountain
Tolamson / Wocawson Il vente. It’s windy.
Wast Neige (au sol) Fallen snow
Samaqan Eau Water
Kisuhs Soleil Sun
Skitkomiq Terre Earth
Compter Counting Tout Jouer/Play All
Pesq Un One
Nis Deux Two
Nihi Trois Three
New Quatre Four
Nan Cinq Five
Dire ce que je vois ou ce que j’entends To describe what I see or hear Tout Jouer/Play All
Nomiya nil … Je vois … I see …
Nomiya nil pesquhs mus. Je vois un orignal. I see a moose.
Knomiya kil? Le vois-tu? Do you see it?
Nutuwa nil … J’entends … I hear …
Nutuwa nil pili-malsom. J’entends le coyote. I hear a coyote.
Knutuwa kil? L’entends-tu? Do you hear it?
Le temps qui passe The passage of time Tout Jouer/Play All
Sepawiw Matin Morning
Woli-sepawiw Bon matin! Good morning!
Pasqe Midi Noon
Kisi-pasqe Après-midi Afternoon
Woli kisi-pasqe Bon après-midi! Good afternoon!
Nipayiw Nuit Night
Woli-nipayiw Bonne nuit! Good night!
Jours de la semaine Days of the week Tout Jouer/Play All
Pemkiskahk Aujourd’hui Today
Sepawonuk Demain Tomorrow
Wolaku Hier Yesterday
Sonte Dimanche Sunday
Kissonte Lundi Monday
Nis-luhkan Mardi Tuesday
Nihi-luhkan Mercredi Wednesday
New-luhkan Jeudi Thursday
Skehewahtoq Vendredi Friday
Kotuwahsonte Samedi Saturday
Émotions Emotions Tout Jouer/Play All
Tan ktolomolsin? Comment te sens-tu? How do you feel?
Nulitahas. Je suis heureux (heureuse). I’m happy.
Npalitahams. Je suis fier (fière). I’m proud.
Nkospon. Je suis fatigué (fatiguée). I’m tired.
Tanokal. Je ne suis pas certain (certaine). I’m not sure.
Ma-te kulomolsiw? Tu ne vas pas bien? You don't feel well?
Quatre couleurs sacrées 4 sacred colours Tout Jouer/Play All
Wapi Blanc White
Mokosewi Noir Black
Wisawi Jaune Yellow
Mehqi Rouge Red
Prière de gratitude Prayer of thankfulness Tout Jouer/Play All
Woliwon psi-te keq. Merci pour tout. Thanks for everything.
Woliwon Kci-niwesq naka Kci-montu. Merci au Grand-Mystère (force féminine) et au Grand-Esprit (force masculine). Thanks to the great mystery (female principle) and the great spirit (male principle).
Woliwon kisiyulinoq. Merci au Créateur. Thanks to the creator.
Woliwon skitkomiq. Merci à la Terre-Mère. Thanks to mother earth.
Woliwon kisuhs naka nipawset. Merci au soleil et à la lune. Thanks to the sun and the earth.
Mecimi-te qeci skicinuwatu. Ktolonapemok knutakuk! Parlez votre langue ancestrale autant que vous le pouvez. Vos ancêtres vous entendent! Speak your ancestral language as much as you can. Your ancestors can hear you! Tout Jouer/Play All
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