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1. Introduce Yourself

In this lesson, you will learn the basic concepts that will enable you to initiate a conversation in the wolastoqey language. You will learn the dialogues for introducing yourself, asking how the person you are talking to and saying goodbye.

1.1. Dialogue: Greetings

Question:  Qey ! Tan kahk olu kil ? / Hello! How are you?
Answer:     Qey ! Mec-ote pesqon ! / Hello! I’m fine.

Qey ! Hello!
Tan How
Kahk Particle meaning but; however; obviously and emphasizes the preceding word.
Olu Particle indicating a change in the direction of the conversation
Kil You
Qey ! Hello!
Mec-ote Particle meaning again; still the same, it’s okay
Pesqon One, whole
Nil Me, I
Ona Also
Woliwon ! Thank you!

Dialogue example:
Person 1:  Qey ! Tan kahk olu kil ? / Hello! How are you?
Person 2:  Qey ! Mec-ote pesqon. Tan kahk olu kil ? / Hello! I’m fine. How are you?
Person 1:  Nil ona, mec-ote pesqon, Woliwon ! / Me too, I’m fine. Thank you!

1.2. Dialogue: Introducing oneself

- Key concept -
Before a noun or a verb, the particles «nil» or «kil» transform into simple «n» and «k» to indicate the first or second person respectively.
Nil (Me, I) Kil (You)
Nil-ona (Me too) Ntoliwis (My name)
Kil-ona (You too) Ktoliwis (Your name)

Question:  Keq kil ktoliwis ? / What’s your name?
Answer:     Ntoliwis nil Ahtuwen. Kil-olu tan ? / My name is Anthony. And you?

Keq What
Kil You
Ktoliwis ? What’s your name?
Ntoliwis My name is
Nil Me, I
Ahtuwen Anthony
Kil-olu You (+ particle indicating a change in direction of the conversation: and you?)
Tan ? How?

1.3. Dialogue: saying goodbye

Question:  Apc-oc knomiyul ! / See you soon!
Answer:     Aha ! Apc-oc knomiyul ! / Yes, see you soon!

Apc-oc Particle meaning again, in the future
Knomiyul See you
Aha ! Yes!

- Key concept -
Aha Yes
Ontama No

1.4. Concept with animals and other words

- Key concept -
In the wolastoqey language, the word "and" is said "naka".
Naka And
Kosona Or
Tan kal I don’t know
Nit-te psiw That’s all

Here are examples of sentence combinations that can be used to describe oneself by mentioning one’s name and favorite animal, or one’s name and nationality.
Dialogue example:
1 - Ntoliwis nil Ahtuwen naka nil muwin. / My name is Anthony and I am a bear.
2 - Ntoliwis nil Piyel naka nil Polecomon. / My name is Peter and I am English.

Ntoliwis nil ... My name is ...
Naka And
Nil Me, I
Muwin Bear
Polecomon English

2. Exercices


2.1. Nil or kil?

Indicate the appropriate pronoum for each statement.

1. Ktoliwis Kalalin (Caroline) Ktoliwis kil Kalalin (Caroline).
2. Ntoliwis Pilips (Philippe). Ntoliwis nil Pilips (Philippe).
3. Ntoliwis Lula (Laurence). Ntoliwis nil Lula (Laurence).
4. Ktoliwis Sapiye (Xavier). Ktoliwis kil Sapiye (Xavier).
5. Ntoliwis Cacolin (Georges). Ntoliwis nil Cacolin (Georges).

2.2. What is the appropriate answer?

Choose the appropriate response to each of the questions.
Punctuation has been omitted in the answers to avoid giving clues about the correct one.

Tan kahk olu kil ?
Keq kil ktoliwis ?

2.3. Hello, my name is … and I am …

You need to prepare a name tag so that each animal can introduce itself.

Ntoliwis Mahta naka
nil .
Ntoliwis Polansuwe naka
nil .
Ntoliwis Nahtalin naka
nil .
Ntoliwis Salis naka
nil .
Ntoliwis Atole naka
nil .

2.4. Piyel naka Mali / Peter and Mary

Peter and Mary meet for the first time. Complete their conversation.

2.5. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the grid with the Wolastoqey equivalents to the clues in English.



      Additional information for exercises solutions may appear in the Appendix of the PDF document.
