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1. Emotions

In this lesson, you will learn dialogues to discuss emotions and feelings. You will learn several vocabulary words to describe how people feel.

1.1. Are you happy?

Instead of simply asking the question «Tan kahk olu kil ?» / How are you?, we can go further by asking more emotion-focused questions. The dialogue will reuse the prefixes (n - nil / me - I) and (k - kil / you - you). We can still use the full form (nil or kil) or the abbreviated form (n or k).
We can say «nil nulitahas» / «I am fine» or simply «nulitahas» / «I am fine». In the second case, the «n» at the beginning of the word indicates the first person singular (I).
Dialogue :
Question :  Kulitahas ? / Are you happy?
Answer:     Aha. Nulitahas ! / Yes, I am happy.

1.2. How are you feeling?

To be more precise when discussing emotions, it’s possible to use « how are you feeling » which allows for a greater variety of responses.
Question:  Tan ktolomolsin ? / How are you feeling?
Answer:     Nkosinuhk pemkiskahk. / I am sick today.
Other possible responses:

Nulomols I feel good.
Mocomols I don’t feel well.
Nulitahas I am happy.
Nkosinuhk I am sick.
Naskatahas I am frustrated.
Nkospon I am tired.
Ntoqes I am ashamed.
Npalitahas I am proud (e.g., I am proud to be Wolastoqey).
Npalitahams I am proud (e.g., I am proud of myself).
Nkotomakomols I am sad.

2. Vocabulary of Emotions

I You He / She English
Nulomols ‘kulomols Wolomolsu I feel good
Ma-te nulomolsiw Ma-te ‘kulomolsiw Ma-te wolomolsiw I don’t feel well
Eci-mocomolsi Eci-mocomolsiyin Eci-mocomolsit Very sick
Nulitahas Kulitahas Wolitahasu Happy
Nkosinuhk ‘kosinuhk Ksinuhke Sick
Naskatahas Knaskatahas Naskatahasu Discouraged or frustrated
Nkospon ‘kospon Kospone Tired
Npalitahams Kpalitahams Palitahamsu Proud
Nkotomakomols Ktomakomols ‘tomakomolsu Sad
Nuhkay Kuhkay ‘qayu Angry

3. Exercices


3.1. Tan ktolomolsin ? / How are you feeling?

Answer the question based on the proposed image.

Tan ktolomolsin ?
Tan ktolomolsin ?
Tan ktolomolsin ?
Tan ktolomolsin ?
Tan ktolomolsin ?
‘Kulitahas ?
‘Kulomols ?
‘Kosinuhk ?
Ktoqes ?

3.2.1 Conversations between Friends

Complete the dialogues between Peter and his friends.

 ! ,  !  ?
. (or other emotion)

3.2.2 Conversations between Friends

Check in on your friends Louis and Simon. Ask them how they’re feeling, imagine their response, then bid them farewell.

 !  !  ?
(All answers indicating an emotion are correct)

3.3. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the table with the Wolastoqey equivalents to the clues in English.



      Additional information for exercises solutions may appear in the Appendix of the PDF document.
