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1. Animate-Inanimate: Property of Words

In this lesson, you will learn the basics needed to properly classify words as animate or inanimate in the wolastoqey language. You will also learn how to ask where objects are located and explain where they are situated using words that express spatial positions.

1.1. The gender as a property of the word

n Wolastoqey, the gender of words is expressed in terms of animate and inanimate (unlike French, for example, where we talk about feminine and masculine gender).
The animate or inanimate gender is a property of words and not of the objects themselves. Thus, it is the word ‘spoon’ that is animate and not the spoon itself.
The animate or inanimate gender is assigned to nouns. Nouns that refer to people or animals are often animate. Nouns that refer to objects, ideas, or concepts can be either animate or inanimate.
The animate or inanimate gender is also assigned to verbs. This may seem surprising because verbs in French do not inherently have gender; they agree with the subject, which is feminine or masculine. In Wolastoqey, verbs are animate or inanimate, among other factors, depending on the animate or inanimate nature of their subject.

Absence of definitive rule for determining gender

There is no absolute logic that distinguishes animate or inanimate gender. The same goes for masculine and feminine gender in French; there is no logic to why a ‘fauteuil’ (armchair) is masculine and a ‘chaise’ (chair) is feminine!
There are some tricks that can help memorize gender. Although the assignment of animate or inanimate gender does not follow precise rules, trends can be identified. For example, nouns that refer to people (with a soul, a spirit), animals, or trees are usually animate, as well as objects that can contain a liquid (such as a bowl, a spoon, a bottle, or a pen).

Identifying gender

To determine if a word is animate or inanimate, the best resource is a dictionary; usually, the gender is indicated alongside entries. Currently, the only online resource that contains this information for Wolastoqey is the Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey Language Portal (https://pmportal.org).

Pronouns and Agreements

Pronouns used with words also change depending on animate or inanimate gender. Here’s a helpful reminder:

- Key concept -
Inanimate (I) Nit nit keq nit nit It is what it is
Keq yut? What’s that?
Animate (A) Not not wen not not He is who he is
Wen wot? Who is this?

1.2. Dialogue: question with « Where »

The animate and inanimate gender also influences sentence structures. Here are some examples:

Inanimate Tama ote malsanikuwam ? Where is the store?
Animate (person or animal) Tama iyu Ahtuwen ? Where is Anthony?
Animate (object) Tama opu emqan ? Where is the spoon?

The pronouns used with the words change depending on whether they are animate or inanimate.

- Key concept -
Not Wot
Animate pronoun meaning «this one» Animate pronoun meaning «that one»
Inanimate pronoun

Question:  Wen not ? / Who is this person, this animal? (A)
        Wen wot ? / ho is that person, that animal? (A)
        Keq nit ? / What is it? (I)
Answers:     Not not wen not not. / He is who he is. (A)
        Nit nit keq nit nit. / That’s what it is. (I)

- Key concept -
Animate (person or animal) iyu Verb meaning "to be somewhere"
(object) opu Verb meaning "to be somewhere"
Inanimé ote Verb meaning "to be somewhere"

2. Positioning

2.1. Vocabulary related to positioning

Nihkaniw In front of
Asit Behind
Tehsaqiw On top of
Neqiw Underneath
Opomew On the side
Emehkew Below or bottom
Qonusqiw At the top
Milawiw Down the street
Nulomok Up the street
Qihiw Near or next to
Lamiw Inside

2.2. Dialogue examples

Question 1:  Tama iyu Piyel ? / Where is Peter? (Peter, animate, person = iyu)
Answer 1:     Piyel iyu milawiw. / Peter is down the street.
Question 2:  Tama ote pocetes ? / Where is the potato? (Potato, inanimate = ote)
Answer 2:     Pocetes ote neqiw tuwihputik. / The potato is underneath the table.
Question 3:  Tama opu emqan ? / Where is the spoon? (Spoon, animate, object = opu)
Answer 3:     Emqan opu opomew wikuwamok. / The spoon is next to the house.

3. Exercices


3.1. « Keq yut » kosona « wen wot » ? / “What is this?”or “Who is this?”

Determine if the object represented in the photo is animate or inanimate in order to ask the appropriate question: « Keq yut ? » or « Wen wot ? » Then answer the question by naming the object.
If necessary, check the Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey online portal: https://pmportal.org/


3.2. Tama iyu… ? / Tama ote… ? - Tama opu… ? / Where is…?

Based on the image presented, choose which verb should be used to ask the question.
Tip: Use the Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey online portal: https://pmportal.org/ to check the animate or inanimate gender of the elements in the image.

3.3. Word Search

Find the Wolastoqey words that correspond to each of the elements on the list.
How it works: Click on the first letter of the word, then on the last to validate a word.
Words can overlap and go in these directions: → ↘ ↓.

Additional information for exercises solutions may appear in the Appendix of the PDF document.
