It is important because it shows that our language can evolve over time without losing its essence.
Mawi-punomun lintuwakonol wici eliwihtasik ankuwacomik
Match the song titles with the correct translation.
Psqolehtuwin sqotem
Light my fire (The Doors)
I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Light my fire (The Doors) In the air tonight (Phil Collins)
Light my fire (The Doors)
Kpot samaqanok
Smoke on the water (Deep Purple)
Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Light my fire (The Doors) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Dust in the wind (Kansas) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan)
Smoke on the water (Deep Purple)
Kseltomuwakon ote musikiskuk
Love is in the air (John Paul Young)
Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Light my fire (The Doors) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young)
Love is in the air (John Paul Young)
Cossoleweyal kiskahkil skitkomiq
Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears)
Dust in the wind (Kansas) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Light my fire (The Doors)
Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears)
Skat samehtuwon skitkomiq
Not to touch the Earth (The Doors)
Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Light my fire (The Doors) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR)
Not to touch the Earth (The Doors)
Nwewomotomon skitkomiq macessik
I feel the Earth move (Carole King)
Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Walking on air (Katy Perry) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Light my fire (The Doors) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake)
I feel the Earth move (Carole King)
Nponeqam skitkomikuk
Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young)
Set fire to the rain (Adele) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Light my fire (The Doors) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon)
Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young)
Ksokasuwakon pasiciw awskassik samaqan
Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon)
Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Walking on air (Katy Perry) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Light my fire (The Doors) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Love is in the air (John Paul Young)
Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon)
Kis knomihtun komiwon ?
Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR)
Dust in the wind (Kansas) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Light my fire (The Doors) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Love is in the air (John Paul Young)
Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR)
Sasotemuwewin sip
Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake)
Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Light my fire (The Doors)
Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake)
Ptoqahkik sqot
Ring of fire (Johnny Cash)
Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Dust in the wind (Kansas) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Light my fire (The Doors) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Walking on air (Katy Perry)
Ring of fire (Johnny Cash)
Psqoleht komiwon
Set fire to the rain (Adele)
Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Light my fire (The Doors) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Set fire to the rain (Adele)
Set fire to the rain (Adele)
Musikisq pemolaqik
In the air tonight (Phil Collins)
Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Walking on air (Katy Perry) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Light my fire (The Doors) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Love is in the air (John Paul Young)
In the air tonight (Phil Collins)
Pomuhs musikisquk
Walking on air (Katy Perry)
In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Light my fire (The Doors) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors)
Walking on air (Katy Perry)
Pomolamson wocawsonok
Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan)
Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Light my fire (The Doors) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Walking on air (Katy Perry)
Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan)
Tewipqot wocawsonok
Dust in the wind (Kansas)
Last days on Earth (Tears for Fears) Falling off the face of the Earth (Neil Young) Have you ever seen the rain? (CCR) Dust in the wind (Kansas) Bridge over troubled water (Paul Simon) Not to touch the Earth (The Doors) Ring of fire (Johnny Cash) Walking on air (Katy Perry) Cry me a river (Justin Timberlake) Set fire to the rain (Adele) Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) In the air tonight (Phil Collins) I feel the Earth move (Carole King) Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) Love is in the air (John Paul Young) Light my fire (The Doors)
Dust in the wind (Kansas)